Tuesday, September 16, 2014


This morning I woke up feeling a little down thinking that my baby isn't really a baby any more.

He will turn one a week from tomorrow, and I cannot believe it. I feel like he just got here.

I remember so vividly the moment he was placed in my arms for the first time, and yet, this first year has been kind of a blur. I recall snippets of time that melted my heart, but I wish I could capture the memories over this past year - the best one of my life - in a bottle so that I will always remember exactly his newborn smell; his first smile; his first laugh; the first time he rolled over, crawled and walked; the first time he said mama and dada; the moment when he and Marley became best friends. The list goes on and on. I'll never have these firsts with him again, and a part of me is a little sad that I won't get those moments in time back.

Each day Matthew does something new to amaze me, and I am so proud of the little boy he is becoming. He's sweet and easy going. He makes me laugh daily, and his growing personality show little nuances of both Eric and myself. I look forward to seeing the man he becomes - just not so fast.

As much as I love watching him grow and explore new things, I miss the days where he would cuddle with me for hours on end. Now, he wants to run all over the place, chase Marley, climb the stairs, jump on dada, and blow raspberries on mama. He also loves to escape during diaper changes, give me love bites (I'm working on nipping that in the bud) and terrorizing Marley by ripping out clumps of her hair and sticking his fingers up her nose. That dog that was so crazy as a puppy really makes me proud of the dog she has become. She happily lets Matt terrorize her, and although she does get jealous that Matt has taken away some of her attention, she's so good with him. He goes WWE on her constantly, jumping on her and pinning her when she least expects it and she just wags her tail harder when he gives her Matthew hugs. The growing bond and friendship between them makes me smile.

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