Friday, February 10, 2017

Balancing Super Mom & Work Mom

I haven't posted in a more than year. Life's been busy. New job. Kids getting older. Stresses always evolving. It's not the obstacles that define your life though. It's how you conquer them.

Last year, when Avery was just 4 months old, I left my cushy state job where I was coasting. To be honest, I had become a robot. I came in, checked my email, gabbed with coworkers, answered letters, wrote press releases and attended meetings. I watched the clock tick the hours down until the hands reach 5 pm. Each night I went home, took care of my kids, went to bed and started again. I was bored.

I needed a change. I needed to restart my career before it was too late. Before I fell so far down the rabbit hole that I wouldn't know how to succeed once that cushy job ran out. I decided on a whim that I needed a reboot. I needed passion again.

One day I noticed a job posting on LinkedIn and thought why not? A high-tech start up company sounded exciting and fun. Some travel would be involved, but not overwhelming, and I'd be the head of the public relations department. I updated my resume. Hit send. And never looked back.

I wanted excitement, and excitement is what I got. I work 50 hours/week, sometimes more. Travel a few times a year and earn the hard work that I put into making a small technology company globally known. Balancing being a mom to two toddlers and a bad ass working woman is hard though. It can be exhausting and I sometimes find myself questioning if I am doing the right thing. Am I there enough for my two young kids? Am I able to work hard and be a good mom?

Every day I come home to two amazing kids and a wonderful husband who holds down the fort when needed.

Matthew, now 3, is such a joy. He is funny and witty and sweet (most of the time). We had trouble potty training him until Santa took his diapers away, then magically he was potty trained within 24 hours. Did I mention he's stubborn?

Avery is an active 17 month old, always dancing and chasing her brother around. Although she isn't saying many words, she has "mama" down pat.

They can be exhausting and frustrating some days, but they are the greatest achievements of my life.

Eric and I haven't slept in 4 years, but the love and support we share are values that I treasure and thank God for every day.

Life is always changing. We are always growing. I just hope that along the way our children know how much they are loved and how proud I am of them.

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