I don't typically post about my son's bowel movements because a. it's gross and b. who cares, but this is too funny not to share. Matthew for months has been a once-a-dayer, going only for daddy between the hours of 4:30 and 6 p.m. - after he's picked up from the sitter and before I get home from work. Don't tell Eric, but Matthew and I have been scheming on this for months. He is my bestie after all, and we get a kick out of making daddy change dirty diapers.
Matthew has since started eating more solids, and on Tuesday, I was mortified to find out that Matthew "went" big time during the morning commute, which resulted in an emergency bath, change of clothes and an impromptu laundry session at the sitter's house. The "poopslosion" as I like to call it is a rarity for my little guy. At least that's what I thought.
Last night, Matthew's eczema was bothering him, and he was itching and getting frustrated, so I decided to give him a bath a little earlier in the day than usual. He's sitting up, so I let him play in the water for a few extra minutes, too. After a while, I got him out, applied lotion to his skin and got him dressed in a brand new onsie and sleeper. After that, we went downstairs and I put him in his exersaucer for some play time so I could do the dishes. It wasn't more than 5 minutes until I heard Eric call for me. Houston, we have a problem. Enter poopsplosion # 2.
That new onsie and sleeper were officially "well worn" and it was back to the tub we go. Matthew looked confused at first because we had just finished tubby time, but he soon relished in the fact that he had another chance to splash in the water and play with his rubber ducky. He laughed and laughed, and I couldn't help but laugh a little, too. We finished bath number 2, put on another onsie and sleeper and were settled in for the night. Fingers crossed he doesn't make a habit out of this double bath time routine.
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